Want to Invite Me to Speak, Teach a Class, or Lead a Workshop?

I specialize in intersectional environmentalism, nature art, climate justice, eco-poetry, and explorations of interconnection and land ethics. Send me over an email if you’d like to discuss further! I teach classes, lead workshops, do poetry readings and public speaking, and among other things, host nature-centered events.


2023 - 2024



January 16th: Snow Walk and Discussion of the Impact of Climate Change on Seasonal Shifts, remote

January 17th: Nature Painting Session, remote

January 21st: Food Waste Educational Talk, remote

March 18th: Discussion of the Future of Seasonal Shifts, remote

March 20th: Ostara Celebration, remote and Salem VA

March 21st: Spring Equinox Nature Poetry Reading in the Garden, Roanoke College Garden in Salem VA

March 24th-28th: AWP Conference Appearance, Philadelphia PA

March 30th: Climate Teach-In, Salem VA

March 30th: Nature Art Walk, remote and Salem VA

March 31st: Eco-Poetry Slam Reading, Salem VA

April 1st: Flower Art Demonstration, remote

April 6th: Tree Hugging Session, Salem VA

April 12th: Blossom Walk, remote

April 16th: Making Produce Last Longer Educational Talk, remote

April 21st: Reading of Forthcoming Ecological Poetry Manuscript, Salem VA

April 27th: The Diet of the Vikings and How it Bonded Them to Their Bioregion Talk, Salem VA

May 1st: Beltane Celebration, remote and Salem VA

May 3rd: Woodland Walk, remote and Salem VA

May 4th: Nature Art Session, remote

May 12th: Symbiotic Relationships within Nature and Humanity’s Interconnection Outdoor Class, Carvins Cove VA

May 16th: Equitable Discussions of Land-Based Food Traditions Educational Session, remote

May 17th: Syttende Mai Celebration, remote and Salem VA

May 22nd: Nature Art Session, remote and Salem VA

May 23rd: The Importance of Community Gardens Discussion, remote

May 31st: Nature Art Demonstration, remote

June 4th: Community Garden Walk, Salem VA

June 7th: Land Art and Foraged Nature Art Session, Salem VA

June 14th: Nature Art Discussion, remote

June 15th: Food Waste Discussion, remote

June 18th: Nature Walk and Farmers Market Trip, Roanoke VA

June 19th: Community Garden Educational Session, remote

June 20th: Wild Berry Foraging Session, Salem VA

June 21st: Litha Celebration, Salem VA

July 19th: Land Art and Beach Ethics Session, Topsail Island NC

July 23rd: Nature Art Session, Topsail Island NC

August 7th: Thrifted Clothing Sale and Fast Fashion Educational Session, remote

August 9th: Urban Gardening Discussion, remote

August 15th: Zero-Waste Hacks and Tips, remote

August 23rd: Including Humans in Your Environmental Advocacy Lecture, remote

September 4th: Connecting Weather to Heritage, Salem VA

September 5th: Garden Harvesting, Salem VA

September 8th: Organic Food Art, remote

September 13th: Native Species Hike, Catawba VA

September 22nd: Mabon Celebration, Salem VA and remote

September 23rd: Nature Journaling and Foraged Art, Salem VA

September 27th: Nature Photography in the Forest, Salem VA

October 3rd: Leaf Art and Pressing Plants, Salem VA

October 6th: Eco-Poetry Contest Opens, remote

November 27th: Poetry Workshop, remote (8 a.m.-10 a.m. time slot)

November 27th: Nature Poetry Writing Class, remote (10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.)

November 27th: Poetry Workshop, remote (2 p.m.-4 p.m. time slot)

December 4th: Poetry Workshop, remote (8 a.m.-10 a.m. time slot)

December 4th: Nature Poetry Writing Class, remote (10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.)

December 4th: Poetry Workshop, remote (2 p.m.-4 p.m. time slot)

December 10th: Nature Poetry Writing Session, remote

December 11th: Poetry Workshop, remote (8 a.m.-10 a.m. time slot)

December 11th: Nature Poetry Writing Class, remote (10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.)

December 11th: Poetry Workshop, remote (2 p.m.-4 p.m. time slot)

December 18th: Poetry Workshop, remote (8 a.m.-10 a.m. time slot)

December 18th: Nature Poetry Writing Class, remote (10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.)

December 18th: Poetry Workshop, remote (2 p.m.-4 p.m. time slot)

December 19th: Honoring the Seasons Through Poetry: Winter

December 31st: Deadline for Eco-Poetry Contest, 12 a.m.


March 25th: Environmental Storytelling and Eco-Tourism Discussion with Phil Torres, remote

April 4th: Food Justice and LEAP Garden Work, Roanoke VA community garden

April 15th: Diversity in the Outdoors Chat with Pattie Gonia, remote

May 1st: Beltane Celebration, Salem VA

May 6th: Intersectional Environmentalism Educational Session with Mikaela Loach, remote

May 19th: Thrifted Clothing Sale and Fast Fashion Educational Session, remote & Salem VA

August 1st: Lughnasadh Celebration, Salem VA

August 22nd: Climate Art Session, remote and Salem VA

September 12th: Foraging and Sunprint Demonstration, remote and Salem VA

September 20th: Moon Ceremony, remote and Salem VA

September 22nd: Mabon Celebration, Salem VA

October 10th: Samhain Art Session, remote and Salem VA

October 18th: Food Waste Educational Talk, remote

October 29th: Leaf Walk and Moon Ceremony, remote and Salem VA

October 31st: Samhain Celebration, Salem VA

November 6th: Creek Clean-up and Native Species Planting, Roanoke College creek in Salem VA

November 7-8th: Habitat Restoration and Native Species Planting, remote and Salem VA

November 11th: Wind Art and Andy Goldsworthy Exploration, remote and Salem VA

November 15th: Land Art Demonstration, remote

November 22nd: Leaf Walk, Salem VA

November 29th: Creek Habitat Stabilization and Erosion Educational Talk, Salem VA

November 30th: Creek Restoration, Roanoke College creek in Salem VA

December 8th: Habitat Restoration and Community Engagement Discussion, remote and Salem VA

December 8th: The Power of Icelandic Storytelling in Ecological Protection Talk, Salem VA

December 9th: Foraging and Jam-Making Talk, Salem VA

December 14th: Yule Celebration, Salem VA

December 15-16th: Land Art Exploration and Discussion, Salem VA

December 21st: Danish Jul Celebration, remote and Salem VA